Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Curiosity CDP App and what is a Curiosity CDP Module?
A Curiosity CDP App is a high-level component that includes several modules related to a common business domain, such as CRM or Sales. A Curiosity CDP Module is an optional component that adds specific functionalities and may depend on other modules.
What license do Curiosity CDP modules use?
Curiosity CDP modules are published under the AGPL license, which requires all modules to be licensed in the same way as the rest of the system.
What is an official/certified module?
An official or certified module is developed and verified by Curiosity CDP SA and is included in the standard distribution of Curiosity CDP.
What is a community module?
A community module is developed by members of the Curiosity CDP community and is available for anyone to download and use.
What is the Curiosity CDP Help Center?
The Curiosity CDP Help Center integrates the Forum, eLearning, and Knowledge apps, allowing teams and customers to search for and share detailed information about products and services.
What is the Knowledge app in Curiosity CDP?
The Knowledge app is a collaborative library where users can store, edit, and share information, accessible throughout the entire Curiosity CDP database.